The Secret of "Shmily"
by Staff

Let me tell you about a little girl who discovered a great secret from her grandparents. Ever since she could remember, her grandparents had played this secret little game. They would leave the word "Shmily" "S-H-M-I-L-Y" around the house for one another. Grandfather would stuff little notes with the word "Shmily" in Grandmother's sock drawer. Grandmother would trace the word "Shmily" in the steam on the bathroom mirror so Grandfather would see it when he took his morning shower. Over the years, they competed to see who could find the most creative way to leave a "Shmily" note for the other. And when Grandmother lost her ten-year fight against cancer, her casket was wreathed with a huge bouquet of flowers. And on the yellow ribbon around the bouquet was that one word, "Shmily." The thing that held her grandparents'' marriage together, the thing that nourished them in life and sustained them in death: Shmily. What does Shmily mean? S-h-m-i-l-y: See how much I love you.

Imagine the impact of this continued fun expression of love on a little girl seeing her grandparents love in action. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Staff